Thursday, 30 April 2015

Dancing to the beat of your own drum - Painting

This painting was inspired by the idea of change as well as experimenting with a limited pallet.  When you are asked to consider what you really want in your life, it can take a while to actually articulate it and the more more you think about it the easier it is to identify those things.  

Laying down the foundation

Some people go through their life never knowing what it is they want, or even like and it isn't until you start to explore you begin to understand what you need to put in place so that you can let go of old stereotypes and patterns of behavior, and really live your life to the full.

I really enjoyed painting this picture, and feel a lot of energy coming from it.  As we dance to the beat of our own drum our lives are no longer governed by what other people think about us, or the box they want to confine us to.  We dance to the beat of who we truly are at our core, expressing our true nature, and shining.

Dancing to the Beat of your own Drum - Mixed Media

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Quote Wednesday - Stowe

When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and tie that the tide will turn...
Harriet Beecher Stowe

Each Quote Wednesday I share a quote with a painting or photograph that I have created. Quotes can be so inspiring and uplifting it is a good idea to meditate on the words and make a point of saying something encouraging about your life! 

Do something great and share your favorite quote in the comments below.  Join me next week for the next inspiring quote and image. Blessings

Clay Dolls - Grace

I wanted to share with you something that I started last year, but only just got around to finishing. I have been busy in my studio and also just reassessing a lot of things and so posting kind of got put to the side.  Anyway there are a lot of things I want to share over the next few weeks.

Having taken Soul Food 2014 it was in one of Mysteles classes where we made a clay doll.  Working with clay was newish to me, I had made a bowl and a few other things, but never really considered making a doll in anything other than fabric.

Grace - Clay doll
Well, I have grown realize as I have been making her how much I enjoyed working with clay, and this only came as I pressed in with trying to finish her.  When I got over half way to completing her, I saw that like my paintings she had a story.  I feel that each character has a story to tell, and a message meant for someone somewhere in the world and I am so pleased to have been able to let her bring her message of hope, love, peace and joy.

Her name is Grace, and she has been dressed in ribbed tights, a pinkish lace rimmed top and goldish/black shawl, head dress and a flower brooch, the head dress, shawl and top are made of fabric.  She has a clutch bag with her for the most important things she might need to carry

Accessorized with jewelry with beads and a mini key which unlocks hopes and dreams.  She and a chain at the back which allows you to hang her in a most prominent place.  I am hoping to find Grace a good home and will be putting her up in my Etsy store over the next few days.  

Grace has a story to tell!
She will be joined by some more clay art dolls that I will be making, as I explore this lovely way of expressing creativity. Watch this space!

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Word for the Week - Psalm 27:4

One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple  Psalm 27:4

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Sprouted seeds - Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is a must to ensure that your body gets the right nutrients, I am often reminded how much we take our own health for granted and thought I would share one of the many great ideas there are for getting your body in tip top form....

Armed with my glass germinator I have started to sprout seeds, and add them to dishes especially salads and stir fry.

With the weather getting warmer I am hoping to try a whole range of delicious salads.

I made all these sprouts from just a handful of seeds!

Why don't you give it a try, it only takes around 3 - 5 days to sprout the seeds, and they last for a couple of days in the fridge!

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Quote Wednesday - Miller

Problems are only opportunities with thorns on them....Hugh Miller

Each Quote Wednesday I share a quote with a painting or photograph that I have created. Quotes can be so inspiring and uplifting it is a good idea to meditate on the words and make a point of saying something encouraging about your life! 

Do something great and share your favorite quote in the comments below. Join me next week for the next inspiring quote and image. Blessings

Monday, 20 April 2015

Tutorial Tuesdays - Doodle day!

Thought I would share this page, another one that can be done when you get a spare moment, want to do something creative that can be used as a warm up.  

These pave the way for the more detailed doodle that is more detailed.  I really do encourage you to spend some time to unwind by doodling, you will enjoy it and be amazed at some of the things that you come up with.  You might even decide to make a painting of it, or take it into another direction.

Have a look at the video to see how I doodled this page, and how about creating your own.

Have fun and stay blessed and be a blessing!

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Word for the Week - Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight   Proverbs 3:5-6

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Quote Wednesday - Dodinsky

Your value is the product of your thoughts.  Do not miscalculate your self-worth by multiplying your insecurities..Dodinsky

Each Quote Wednesday I share a quote with a painting or photograph that I have created. Quotes can be so inspiring and uplifting it is a good idea to meditate on the words and make a point of saying something encouraging about your life! 

Do something great and share your favorite quote in the comments below. Join me next week for the next inspiring quote and image. Blessings

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Word for the Week - Micah 7:7

But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior;  My God will hear me   Micah 7:7

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Quote Wednesday - Ziglar

Don't be distracted by criticism.  Remember the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you...Zig Ziglar

Each Quote Wednesday I share a quote with a painting or photograph that I have created. Quotes can be so inspiring and uplifting it is a good idea to meditate on the words and make a point of saying something encouraging about your life! 

Do something great and share your favorite quote in the comments below. Join me next week for the next inspiring quote and image. Blessings

Dream, Create, Enjoy - Art Journal Video process

I created this page a while back for my Gratitude's and Celebration Journal, and thought I would share the video of how it came together.  The great thing about working in journals is that you can come back to a page if you wish and see it change and take on a new direction.  Much like life we have to be flexible and sometimes make changes to a plan that seems immovable.  But you never know when making changes or taking a new route will unfold something really great that you never thought possible.

With the pages in this journal the majority of them have some mark on them, where I have cleaned a brush off that had excess paint, or I just wanted to make some marks and spend a quick creative 5 minutes.

Don't be afraid to let your journals work how you want them to work and in the process much will be revealed and you will have much fun.  Hope you enjoy the video.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Material Mondays - What else can you do with Chamois leather

Chamois leather has traditionally been used for cleaning and polishing cars.  My dad used to use them on his car, and up until a few weeks ago I never gave them another thought - though my car is in need of a good clean (Sekani - if you don't mind please!!)

Anyway in my 'lets see how we can use this' phase I have been seeing what different ways I can use it, and over the next few weeks of Material Mondays I will be showing you some things that you can do.

In my local pound store they sell 12x12 in cuts of stitched chamois in the car section, for as its name suggests £1,  If you go online you can get bigger sizes, and whole pieces, the largest I've seen so far is 5 square feet. The smaller size suited me as a trial and I took it home to see how it would take paint. 

The leather was great to work with as it is so soft it takes paint well, and I used a selection of inks, and paints through stencils made from scrap plastic.

I wanted to see how it would hold up as a journal with lots of embellishments, attaching beads, spirals, and crochet ribbon.

All the embellishments were from the charity store and so while there is a nice variety going on, they compliment each other well.

On the inside it has 3 signatures, made from a selection of scrap watercolor card and paper.  It is just the right size, measuring around 4 x 6 inch

Give it a try and see what you come up with!

Next week we are going to try to make something musical with the leather...

Check out my YouTube channel to see what other creative projects that I am making.

Creative Dementia Arts Conference - 16th April 2015

Creative Dementia Arts, click for home.

Creative Dementia Arts Network 
Conference 2015

The contribution of creative arts to building dementia friendly communities

I am so please to share that I have been asked to lead a workshop at the Creative Dementia Arts Conference this year, and share my experience in working with dementia sufferers and carers in the community at a one day conference organised by the Creative Dementia Arts Network in collaboration with Eminence Grise.

It is a great way to come together with others who not only work within the field but who also those who have direct experience of dementia, either as a carer or the one being cared for.

It is vitally important that we all arm ourselves with information and tips on how to help those who are affected. More and more people either have first hand knowledge of the effects of dementia as a carer or sufferer or know someone who is dealing with it, and has a dramatic effect on the community as a whole.

Who should attend? The conference will be of particular interest to people with dementia and their carers, artists, musicians, dancers, actors, poets, and staff and volunteers working for arts organisations, museums, galleries, libraries, theatres, local authority social services, the NHS, housing associations, care homes, nursing homes, academics, researchers, students and those working in government agencies and departments.
The conference is being held on

Thursday 16 April 2015 

9am - 4.30pm at
St Hugh’s College, 
Oxford, England, UK

If you want more information check 
out their website HERE

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Word for the Week - Psalm 119:76

May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant.  Psalm 119:76

As you meditate on the scripture and enjoy the image ask and think about the many gifts you have been given, the many challenges you face, and the fruit that will come from the work of your hands. 

Words and images for the week, to bless, encourage and inspire you to be all that you have been called to be. 
What will you do with what you have been given today?