Wednesday, 15 May 2013

A-Z Road Trip - Wednesdays Stops!

Well its the start of my road trip and I am geared up to travel all around the world as I pay a visit to all those blogs on the A-Z Challenge that I didn't get to visit.  There is a great variety of blogs, creativity and writing styles and I am looking forward to making some new acquaintances and renewing the old.  I hope you join me on the visits.  I will link to the sites I get to, show them some blog love if you are able leave a comment on their site as well.

Here are my stops for the day:
Ultimate Road Trip!

I start my first stop at Andres's blog -  All about the Words. Andres has a wonderful way with words, his writing is powerful and well thought out, you are definitely in for a treat.

Tina from Life is Good has been given a Sunshine award and in turn has to answer a series of questions.  It is always great to get to know someone better when they reveal a bit about themselves.  Here are some of the questions if you want to take part, you answer and pass on to 6 fellow bloggers who make your days sunnier.
What inspired you to start blogging?
How did you come up with the name of your blog?
What is your favorite blog to read?
Tell us about your dream job.
Is your glass half full or half empty?
If you could go anywhere for a week’s vacation, where would you go?
What food can you positively not eat?
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
How much time do you spend blogging?
Do you watch t.v. and if so, what are your favorite shows?
 (check out her site for the award image)
Shannon from The Warrior Muse and who was also one of the hosts for the A-Z challenge has provided a list of links for writers to some very useful resources, she got a Shine On Award and for all those who are into horror, she also got a Zombie Rabbit award.
Livia, from Leave it to Livia has a beautiful blog image she writes film and book reviews, which comes in handy as there are a host of new films being released this year and it's always good to see what others are saying about a film. 
Finally I stopped off to see Laura at My Baffling Brain from sunny England - and we have had a fair bit today, though it is still a bit chilly.  Anyway Laura shared last week about a blog hop that she was taking part in a blog hop called Celebrate the little Things  hosted by Tara Tyler, who is also a fellow A-Z'er that I didn't get a chance to visit during the challenge.   I think the Blog hop is a great idea in reminding ourselves of the things that are important and need celebrating every day, in this way we really value what we have.  Blessings for now I will continue the road trip and share where I go on Saturday.

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