Sunday, 10 November 2013

Fruit - Creating in Faith

But the Fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22

They shall be known by their fruit

What is motivating you when you get up in the morning?  When you think of the life you are living what do you feel is your contribution? Are you contributing in a positive way to the world you live in?

This wasn't a question that bothered me much up to my early 30’s, but after that I began to feel that there must be more to my life than the one I was living, I had things I wanted to achieve, new things I wanted to try and places to travel to, I knew that I had to step up and make changes and my drive to be more creative couldn't be contained.

When you look at an apple seed, you don’t know how many apples will grow on the tree that the apple will later go on to be, neither do you know how many trees the seeds that are in each apple that will eventually grow and develop.  But you can be guaranteed that with the right conditions, temperature and soil nutrients, you generally should get a fairly good harvest.  Year after year the tree will get bigger and produce more and more fruit, and the cycle will continue with each seed that is produced.  There will be more fruit in its 10thyear than was in its 2nd year.  That said you know that a plum tree will never bear apples no matter how much you talk to the tree, change the fertilizer you’ll get plums.  I give you this example because I think we are all blessed to produce fruit of our own, and there are the gifts and talents we possess that can and should be expressed into the. 

No two gifts are the same.  The gifts’ you have are like no other, think about the gifts you possess, the ones that come naturally and those that with a bit of extra study, training or practice can be put to use.  Identifying the fruit – the scripture says we will be known by our fruit so there is an expectation that we will be producing something from what we have.  What have you been sitting on for such a long time that needs to be express, and what about ‘that thing’ that you always promised yourself you would do when you had time, when will that be exactly?   

Our fruit ultimately should be a blessing to someone else, it’s no good keeping them to ourselves they are to edify and encourage others to grow and develop the gifts and fruit yet to be birthed.

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