Monday, 11 August 2014

New Work - Art Share - Embracing his light

From seemingly not having enough time to sit down and do some art I have found ways over the years to grab snippets of time.  I no longer wait for those big chunks of time because they never happen, and if they do very rarely but found as I kept working especially on the smaller stuff there were more little chunks of time that soon added up.  I also had to get over not being able to finish a piece of work in one sitting, and this painting is a great example.  You can see what it looked like before HERE

It started out as most of my paintings do now a days as a background and then I sketched loosely, I wasn't sure where I was going to go with it, and allowed myself the time to let it develop.

This painting reminds me of my brother Robert who passed away, last year. Once I had completed the painting I realized that it was the very thing I had experienced with him the day before he said goodbye.

One of my last conversations with Robert was about his faith, and he chose to give his life.  Moments later a burst of sunshine filled the hospital room, it was a magical moment that I will never forget.

I am enjoying my time creating and will be sharing a different piece every day this week for you to enjoy, some will be made available as prints at my Society 6 store if you would like to buy

Embracing his light - Mixed Media

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