Sunday, 27 April 2014

Material Mondays - Altering Beenie Hat

Altering a Beanie Hat with flowers
My mum has a hat that she loves wearing, primarily because it keeps her head warm, there isn't anything spectacular in the way that the hat looks, but I guess it is one of those things that we all have that we wear for comfort - much to my sons dismay I too have something that he says I shouldn't be wearing for one reason or another, but having lived so many more years than he I think I will park his fashion point of view for another post.
The hat before
Here is the hat, nothing to write home about, but she liked it.  I decided to give it a make over..  so a while back armed with my crochet needles and wool I decided to make some embellishments for the hat, without changing its comfort factor for mum.

With a crochet needle and wool you can do wonders!
I ended up making a couple of flowers and a strip that would go round the hat for decoration.

Flowers and crocheted strip
  I sewed the flowers and the strip to the hat once they were complete.  Here is the finished hat, modeled by mum....
 You can pretty much attach flowers to most things and they will give some added oomph when needed.
 It gives her the comfort that she wants, yet gives it an updated look

I will have a look at some of her other hats and see what updates can be made.  If you want to update an something you don't have to add crochet, you can embroider, or add some beading - find some jewelry that you no longer wear and attach it to an item of clothing for that extra sparkle.

If you are considering learning how to crochet, or any other creative activity check out Craftsy online courses, at the moment they are doing a special offer on some of their classes, and they are offering some free mini courses.Click here.

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