I have been busy clearing out, cleaning, de-cluttering and decorating all at the same time. It has been years since I really had a clear out. I did a mini challenge last year or was it the year before, called 'clearing the clutter' and I overwhelmed myself with what I wanted to do, I wasn't realistic about what I had and what I could do. I tried to clear a major area every day and the reality is that some of the areas needed a whole month to themselves.
Having learnt the lesson (not) we decided to clear the whole house, decorate all while I was moving my mum into new accommodation and clearing her flat of items - many of which had been there for over 30 years, and I had grown attached to. My mums move is sorted, still sorted out some of her paper work, she is in a smaller flat adapted to her needs, it is light and spacious, and was the right move for her at this time.
With the place being upside down it was difficult to keep my blog up, my phone broke, my computer crashed and it was very weird not having access to the internet, you really realize just how much you rely on technology. Rather than get anxious about it I looked at it as a bit of a break and time to reevaluate direction, but also prioritize what was important.
I have been creating and trying to keep up with the creative courses that I signed up for. With everything happening at once I was forced to also pace myself differently with the courses, you can't paint in dust and with drilling going on.
I started a book binding course last week, which gets me out of the house one day a week for the next 5 weeks. It has been a long time since I did a course I had to travel to. But it has been really great, there is only 4 of us so the pace is good, we cover quite a bit in the 3 hours. I will show you what I have made next week - I have made two sewn books so far. I am finding the course very therapeutic and it is great learning the techniques and being able to get feedback straight away. I think it was what I needed at the moment. Eventually I want to be able to create bound books filled with memories of my mother and filled with stories that normally get forgotten so that generations to come can be inspired by her journey.
For now back to the clearing as the dust settles, tomorrow I will share some images and get back on track. Do share what changes you have had to make as you move into a new season.
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